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среда, 10. април 2019.


Hello everyone! I am here agan. I was so buzy last a couple of weeks. But there is a new thing I start doing, learing Deutsch. In a primary school I was learning Deutsch for 3 years but I really didn't love that. But look how I was changed. Now I am really motivated to learn some new languages and really love that. I can not believe. But I also learnd everything in life change and you never know what every new day can bring. Until now I learned some basic things like introducing, numbers, verbs like live, need, be, have, stady, and nouns like bed, wordeobe, table, chair, pencil..... In my group there are 15 students and we got so lovely teacher Sejla. I go to course twice a week for one hour. After course yesterday I was going home and saw this beautiful fountain and beautiful flowers around. This black back is a huge bilding like bussines center called Agram. My hometown is really beautiful so if you have a chance to visit Banja Luka do that. Bosnia and Herzegovina is economically undeveloped country but bisides that has a lot to show you. So I will try to show you more bosnian beauties on my blog. Unfortunately, war 1992-1995 brought a lot of bad things to this country. I wasn'b borned but I see there are conseqences till now. I am not happy about that. People here have to love and respect each other and never repeat that from 92-95. I every day pray for peace in the world. And we all have to do that! Thanks for reading and I will se you soon! Love you so much!

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